Hauptseite » 2013 » März » 15

Call of Duty "has almost ruined a generation of shooter players,” says Tripwire Interactive

"Earlier this month I visited Killing Floor and Red Orchestra 2 creator Tripwire Interactive to play Rising Storm, the upcoming standalone expansion to RO2 (look for a preview on Monday). After the demo, Tripwire President John Gibson and I got talking about the state of first-person shooters, and Gibson laid out a detailed criticism about the way Call of Duty "takes individual skill out of the equation.” Gibson also expressed frustration over how difficult it had been trying to design a mode for Red Orchestra 2 that appealed to Call of Duty players......."Interview auf... ... Weiter lesen »

Kategorie: News | Aufrufe: 886 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2013-03-15 | Kommentare (0)
