Hauptseite » 2012 » Januar » 06
SDK release currently on track for next week

We are currently on track to release the SDK for all users next week. We are working on getting server redirect and downloads working properly as the last step before release and are expecting to have that resolved on the early side of next week.

For those with SDK access already we are putting out an update today to fix load times and the SDK compile time.

As a heads up we are also looking into the reports that full servers can result in an unnatural ping growth for all players. We will be hosting a server in just under 2 hours at this IP: for testing. Thank you for your help in this matter.

[TW]The Yoshiro

Kategorie: ROHOS | Aufrufe: 867 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2012-01-06 | Kommentare (0)

Bald beginnt der roldder OpeningCup. Schon lange angekündigt und jetzt gehts bald los ! Inerhalb kürzester Zeit haben sich 16 Internationale Teams zu diesen Event angemeldet. Da noch so mancher Clan teilnehmen möchte gibt es noch Möglichkeiten sich per pm in eine  Warteliste eintragen zu lassen. Wenn sich bis 11.Jänner - 9 Teams gemeldet haben wird das Turnier auf 32 Slots erweitert.
mehr auf roladder.net
"The 16 slots we initially planned for the tournament have filled quite fast that for now the entry phase is closed. We noticed that still some clans would like to participate as well so we'd like to give them a chance to do so. Just send me a PM with a link to your ROLadder.net teamprofile and we'll set your team on the waiting list. If the wa ... Weiter lesen »
Kategorie: roladder:OpeningCup | Aufrufe: 681 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2012-01-06 | Kommentare (0)
