Hauptseite » 2011 » Dezember » 06

Karelian Front is Continuation War modification for Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Continuation War was fought in 1941-1944 between Finland and Soviet Union. You can read more about the war from our History section. Team behind mod has varying experience from the modding scene. Some working in the gaming industry, some have done mods before in RO and for other games, and some are totally green. Good mix of people, eager to stop the long lasting outcry for this mod. Founding members are Finnish but we are taking in application from others too.

Why did we choose Continuation War over maybe a better known Winter War? So it wouldn't be just 24/7 winter maps and to have more variation in the battles. This leaves us more options to choose from. This front saw also fair share of guerilla tactics so there's roo ... Weiter lesen »

Kategorie: News | Aufrufe: 955 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2011-12-06 | Kommentare (0)
