Hauptseite » 2010 » April » 23 » RAGE besiegt aTo
RAGE besiegt aTo
    RAGE besiegt aTo

Die Finnen konnten die Amerikaner 6:2 besiegen . Beide Mannschaften lieferten sich bei Lyes(wo sich die Finnen wohl fühlen)  schwere Gefechte . Auf Arad teilweise harte Panzergefechte..........

Kommentar Whitefox RAGE
"GG, Little waiting, but the jokes were good. Lyes was nice fight and Arad was almost enjoyable, almost.
Lyes Allied: This round was mostly on our control, but ATO gave us a fight.
Lyes Axis: At fisrt it looked like we would handle it at first caps, but then ATO went into berserk and almost run us through, last cap was only seconds away from cap at one time.
Arad Axis: Result is expected, but we tried very hard and we almost won with 3 objectives. Lost decisive cap and the round only seconds before bell.
Arad Allied: This round was quite "normal" Arad round, nothing much to say about it.


Kategorie: ro:ladder | Aufrufe: 766 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Bewertung: 0.0/0
Kommentare insgesamt: 0
