Hauptseite » 2011 » Juni » 24 » Farewell Cup 2011
Farewell Cup 2011

It has been over 5 years since the first RedOrchestra:Ostfront 41-45 match was played at RO:Ladder and about 1800 matches later this era will find its ending with the release of Heroes of Stalingrad.

Due the fact that the competition slowly died the last months we want to give you a last chance to play Red Orchestra competitively. Thats why we host the farewell Ostfront cup!

Now the facts:

- simple KO system tournament tree with a max of 8 teams participating
- matches will be played 6on6 (but if both teams agree you can play with more players)
- clans and mixed teams are allowed to sign up
- every player of the cup winning team will get a special award at new roladder site

sign up:

- if you want sign up your complete clan, you just have to write a simple post that you want to sign up at our forum
- captains of mixed teams have to make a list of all participating players with their roladder id
- deadline for sign up is 3rd July 2011

Kategorie: News | Aufrufe: 704 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Bewertung: 0.0/0
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