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TWIL RS: Pazific Cup | Aufrufe: 756 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2013-08-03 | Kommentare (0)

Can you survive the heat of battle in a tournament that will test your team to beaking point!

The Pacific Cup is a Territory Realism Knockout Tournament with a $1000 prize fund.

Tournament rule highlights

Team sizes to be minimum 6v6 to maximum 8v8.
Match play will consist of 2 maps chosen by TWIL Prior to each round.
Stock maps only.
Each map will be played over 2 rounds.
If teams are still drawn after 2 maps a 3rd map will be played as indicated in each round of the tournament below.

Remember to read the rules.

Rounds and Maps

Round 1 maps
TE-Saipan TE-Hanto
Tie break map TE-Pelelui

Round 2 maps
TE-Pelelui TE-Kwajalein
Tie break map TE-Iwo Jima

Round 3 maps
TE-GuadalCanal TE-Iwo Jima
Tie break map TE-Saipan 

Round 4 maps
TE-Kwajalein TE-Hanto
Tie break map TE-Saipan

Booking a TWIL server

Game password for all servers is twilwar

For the time being until our server booking system comes online please announce your matches in the shout box and post them in the forum calendar here http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forumdisplay.php?f=167

Please place the following in your match announcement

1. Team names
2. The date and time of the match
3. The TWIL server you wish to use.

Once a server booking is announced in the shoutbox we consider that server as booked for a period of 2 hours.
So please be prompt in your timekeeping when playing matches.
If you want to request your match is Live Streamed please type Stream Me in your post.

TWIL RS: Pazific Cup | Aufrufe: 770 | Hinzugefügt von: maXro | Datum: 2013-08-03 | Kommentare (0)
